"Be running up that road, be running up that hill, be running up that building if I only could..."
-Kate Bush (Running up that Hill - Warning: tacky 80's video)
This song is playing on my iPod, and I'm am running on a stationary elliptical machine, getting nowhere naturally, and looking at the same white building, week after week, year after year. Like a Jedi knight, I see my goal, the lurking, gargantuan mechanical white elephant, manifest yet forever out of reach...To illustrate, please compare my view (from 24hr Fitness in Hawai'i Kai) to that of the Imperial Walker (The animators who brought the AT-AT Imperial Walkers to life in The Empire Strikes Back based their movements on elephants). What can I say, I'm kinda nerdy.
I have for you yet another completely delightful piece of trivia: the white apartment building is featured during the last 3 minutes of the original Hawaii 5-0 Episode 21 "Nightmare in Blue", Season 6 (1973).
May the Force be with you. Strong the Force is.
See? Naturally, its stomping legs are hidden by the trees. Stealth move.

Focusing on the metaphorical white elephant facilitates the burrowing within the [my] continuously degrading network of neurons. Due to the vivid nature many dreams, taking the time to conjure up details in order to decipher any meaningful communication is often a futile and frustrating exercise. On the rare occasion when done so successfully, they reveal nonsense of comical proportions. I am here to tell you that further distillation may start the cascade required to kick start the creative process or a realization. This is indeed a thrilling moment to stumble upon effortlessly, to be yours alone to savour and without relevance to anyone else.
However, I am writing to share and this part is fun, at least to me. Awakening from a dream in which I have neatly arranged boxes of thousands of bamboo chopsticks on a sidewalk: a public protest of forced societal compliance or feeling secure about my place among many? Despite the philosophical premise, I am suddenly hungry, my appetite nudging towards devouring an assortment of sushi, with chopsticks of course. I love sushi. In Hawai'i, we have a local delicacy called Musubi, which consists of SPAM on rice held together by a strip of nori, or as I like to affectionately call it, heart disease tied up in seaweed. Regardless of the somber analogy, the colour combination is esthetically pleasing: black, white and pink. Classic.
However, I am writing to share and this part is fun, at least to me. Awakening from a dream in which I have neatly arranged boxes of thousands of bamboo chopsticks on a sidewalk: a public protest of forced societal compliance or feeling secure about my place among many? Despite the philosophical premise, I am suddenly hungry, my appetite nudging towards devouring an assortment of sushi, with chopsticks of course. I love sushi. In Hawai'i, we have a local delicacy called Musubi, which consists of SPAM on rice held together by a strip of nori, or as I like to affectionately call it, heart disease tied up in seaweed. Regardless of the somber analogy, the colour combination is esthetically pleasing: black, white and pink. Classic.
In a moment of clarity, I knew I had found the perfect use for the vintage rice beads purchased many years ago. Voila the Musubi necklace, with Web Jasper filling in for nori and pink Rhodonite for...you know what. It's all about making connections.
May the Force be with you. Strong the Force is.