Tuesday, August 19, 2014


As he sits there every morning eating his dry Cheerios, banana and a glass of milk, my husband often likes to tease me about being “high maintenance” and making reference to dinosaurs, that is, if I were one, I’d become extinct. Hey, I just had leftover tuna salad for breakfast, so how’s that for being adaptable? I’m just very particular, as we all are, about certain things: maybe some of us more than others. You can’t outrun change, or evolution for that matter. You can try, but that actually means that you’ve adapted to being a fast runner!
This is my first “blog”, so bear with me. If I recall, this process began way back when we lived to Columbia, SC and I started writing commentaries, sending them to friends via email. I was encouraged to continue writing but I didn't. I went off Facebook, now I'm back on. I went to LinkedIn. I built my website. It's a lot to keep up with in this Brave New World.

What has changed? Adaptability: creativity’s kissing cousin. I've decided that all this is no longer a chore. When there's too much information, I tune it out, selectively. You can too! Ignore this blog, I won't be offended but secretly hope you won't. Throughout my encounters and exposure to artists/art school, it was always highly recommended to engage in journaling, so I forced myself to do so but not without feeling like an impostor. What was wrong with me? Was I not “artistic” or creative enough to embrace this process? Lack of confidence? Yes. English is not my first language but unfortunately I have never truly been proficient in my first languages, which leaves me to obsess about possible errors in spelling, grammar, idioms and colloquialisms. Truncated sentences. More about obsessions in a future blog. For now I'm letting go, ready to embrace the unknown. What will I have for breakfast tomorrow?

Deep breath. Here I go, in a public forum no less, “journaling” in cyberspace like millions of others with a healthy dose of self-consciousness and with a firm belief that it will be interesting (at least to me). It can be interactive. People can comment and I'm finally doing something fun: applying my personality and creativity to mixed (social) media. It's as simple as that. I'm pressing the BIG orange "publish" button.

A (b)log is like a tree falling in the forest. If nobody reads it, does it say anything at all?

I have adapted to the 21st century. Sort of. Stay tuned.

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